Dental Emergencies & Trauma Management

Services > Dental Emergencies & Trauma Management


Specialist Endodontists are trained to manage dental emergencies and trauma.

This includes intense pain in a tooth as a result of deep decay and cracks or traumatic injuries to the tooth.

We understand that dental emergencies are distressing and will always do our best to attend to all emergencies and offer same-day appointments for dental emergencies and trauma management.

If you experience a severe toothache, you may require an emergency root canal. It is crucial to reach out to a specialist Endodontist who is experienced and professionally trained in managing dental emergencies and traumas.

More often than not, improper management of dental emergencies and dental trauma could end up causing the tooth to heal poorly which may lead to more complex problems in the future or unalluring aesthetic outcomes.


In case of emergency, please contact us

07 3863 0635

Time is critical for dental injuries and our phone lines redirect to an after-hours number. Please do not hesitate to ring us at any time of day if you have a dental emergency.

Dental Emergencies

If the injury is limited to teeth and immediate surrounding bone only, this may be handled in a dental setting.

Hospital Emergencies

In the event of traumatic injuries resulting in severe bleeding, unconsciousness or head injuries, please head to the nearest hospital emergency department.



Please contact our friendly team