Root Canal Treatment

Services > Root Canal Treatment


Root canal treatment involves removing the pulp/ nerve and bacteria within the tooth without having to extract the tooth.

We believe in saving our natural teeth at all costs as there is no better replacement for our natural teeth.

Recent outcome studies have shown that root canal-treated teeth that have been properly cared for have similar lifespans as dental implants.

When the tooth suffers from any form of trauma or significant decay that approaches the pulp (nerve), this provides a direct pathway for bacteria to enter our body through the tooth – usually resulting in an infection of the tooth and the surrounding bone.

Different people experience different symptoms but the usual symptoms are spontaneous aches, swelling, intense sensitivity to temperature (hot and cold) or tenderness to biting.

The Stages of Endodontic Treatment

Pulp Removal

The infected or damaged pulp is removed from the inside of the tooth through the root canal via a small access hole.

Decay Removal

Decay is removed and the root canals are located, allowing for endodontic treatment to commence.

Canal Cleaning

The root canals are then cleaned, disinfected and shaped to fill the root canals.

Tooth Sealing

The final stage is to seal and fill the root canals with a filling material to prevent re-infection.



Treatment is usually carried out in 1 to 2 visits depending on how contaminated the tooth is and the severity of your symptoms.

There is a common misconception that root canal treatments are painful and uncomfortable. This cannot be further from the truth as we have the latest technologies in our clinic and most (if not, all) root canal treatments can be done in the dental chair under local anaesthetic. 

Our specialist will ensure that you are well looked after and that the procedure will be as painless as possible.

However, if you are anxious about dental procedures, our specialist will be happy to discuss various sedation options that are suitable for you during the initial consultation appointment.


It is important to note that the recovery times will vary for every patient.

There might be mild discomfort for 1 to 2 days. However, most patients will not require time off work as the discomfort can be adequately managed with pain killers which our specialist will discuss in detail with you after the root canal treatment.



Please contact our friendly team