Endodontic Retreatment

Services > Endodontic Retreatment


Most teeth that have gone through root canal treatment can often last a lifetime. However, sometimes a tooth that has been treated can become reinfected or painful months or years after the initial treatment. In this case, endodontic retreatment is required.

The reinfection of the tooth is usually due to the previously filled root canal being contaminated due to a crack in the tooth or restoration, or the root canals were not adequately cleaned in the initial treatment.

If you experience any pain or symptoms that indicate the tooth might have been reinfected, you will most likely be able to give the tooth another chance and consider saving it by having a root canal retreatment procedure.

It is always best to save your natural teeth whenever possible. With the advancement of technology, our specialist ensures that he is always up to date and performing root canal treatments using the latest equipment and best techniques. In most cases, saving your own teeth may end up cheaper than replacing it with an implant!

Our specialist Endodontist will discuss your options and success rates before beginning the root canal retreatment procedure.


  1. Discussing your treatment options and assessing whether or not the tooth can be saved.

  2. Endodontist will reopen your tooth to gain access to the existing root canal filling material and remove the existing material in order to adequately clean and refill the canals.
    Please note that in some cases, complex restorative material (crown), post and core material might be disassembled and removed to permit access to the root canals.

  3. Depending on the complexity (presence of additional canals, unusual anatomy such as blocked or narrow canals), our specialist may recommend endodontic surgery.

  4. After root canal retreatment is completed by our specialist, you will have to return to your dentist as soon as possible to have a new crown or other restoration placed on the tooth in order to protect and restore it to its full function.

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